Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bombs away!

Liam loves to throw things down my stairs, and it usually is just what ever is within reach. Today it was the new bottle of sunscreen! The bottle busted and sunscreen exploded everywhere....he then thought it would be fun to have a second bath this morning in it. The damage to him that you see is only half of it...his backside is nice and coated too. Does sunscreen stain? I guess it is a good thing they make steam cleaners for people like us!

Rear-view Mugshots

So we are having a terrible time with the boys keeping on their clothes...and underclothes. They think that shedding diapers is entertainment. I don't know what they like better, being naked or mom having to clean up the disaster that usually follows (I spared you those photos). We have done duct tape....they are too smart for that one! So Brant decided to "lock" them in there pj's. We cut the arms and legs off so they would not get to hot and then made them put them on backwards. Now it is only a matter of time before they realize that they can unzip each other. Hopefully this will hold for a bit.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


As if the marker was not enough fun for the day, Liam decided to feed the dog....hope you are hungry Zoe!

Blue, mamma!

Liam just showing that he can be crafty too.....with a permanent marker! At least we will be camping this weekend and won't have to go to church this way. I have found that Tide pens take off permanent marker on skin (don't ask why we found this out!)

Yummy Treats!

Aiden decided it was Cooking Day! Let me name the ingredients in this lovely desert...two chocolate cake mixes, five boxes of pudding, four boxes of Jello, a box of Jello cheesecake mix, and a bag of powered sugar....mmm yummy! Don't forget the breast pump that is on the floor too....not sure what that was going to be used for. :)

My boys are such "helpers"! Aiden decided that my linen/storage closet was not organized up to his standards. Luckily none of the shampoos spilled on the carpet....which at our house is something that would have happened.