Our first adventure of Aiden and Liam begins at dinner, Keli made pork chops with mash potatoes, gravy and corn. Aiden refused to use a fork and began to devour his dinner with his hands. Liam followed his older brothers example and dropped his fork on the floor for Zoe, the dog, to lick clean.
After dinner, the kids scurried off to get some last minute playing in before bed. Keli and I began cleaning up the dishes. After a few minutes, I realized the boys were being quiet, too quiet. The silence was deafening. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end, something was not right. I looked in the play room and they were not there. So I ventured up stairs. The light to my room was off. Unfortunately, light was shining underneath the door to the bathroom. My heart sank, nothing good could come from this. Opening the door slowly, I saw the adventurous duo doing what they do best. Both felt the need to wash up after a hearty meal. Aiden stripped down to his bare bottom, climbed into the tub and started to take a cold bath. Liam could not climb into the bath, so he go into the shower, grabbed the hair conditioner and completely lathered his little head with half the bottle.
Beware the dreaded silence. When it creeps on you, it is too late. Disaster has already struck.