So this is just one of many crazy Sunday's that we had this last month. Liam decided to put a nut from his play tool bench on his finger! (at 7:00 am) Well it is smaller than the finger, so that quickly became a problem. To top off the problem, Brant had taken my car to High Council because it had snowed a lot the night before. And he does not take his phone to his meetings, for obvious reasons. So I had no husband and no car, and a screaming little boy! I was sure he was going to lose a finger! So in panic I called our good friend Andrew Sproul (who is also in our Bishopric) and had him drive to the Stake Center and pull Brant out of his meetings to come home. I had all the kids dressed and ready to go the hospital as soon as he got home. Luckily, Daddy saved the day. He was able to soak it in cold water long enough to pry it off his finger. What a relief! I tend to over panic sometimes, but really he could have lost a finger :)