Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bombs away!

Liam loves to throw things down my stairs, and it usually is just what ever is within reach. Today it was the new bottle of sunscreen! The bottle busted and sunscreen exploded everywhere....he then thought it would be fun to have a second bath this morning in it. The damage to him that you see is only half of it...his backside is nice and coated too. Does sunscreen stain? I guess it is a good thing they make steam cleaners for people like us!


The Eccles said...

What a freak accident! I have had a ton of things drop from my stairs and nothing has exploded...yet. (I know it's only a matter of time.) I love the look on Liam's face.

Unknown said...

That's why you needed your carpet cleaner! Liam just looks so cute and innocent in that picture.

Chelsea said...

ha ha:) seriously, you're boys are lucky to be alive!

Unknown said...

I am so glad you told me about this blog...I LOVE IT! Makes me laugh so hard. It makes me feel better that I am not the only mom that these kind of things happen to :)

Unknown said...

You know what else I think is funny...Aiden is seriously the best kid in my class.