Thursday, July 17, 2008

Rear-view Mugshots

So we are having a terrible time with the boys keeping on their clothes...and underclothes. They think that shedding diapers is entertainment. I don't know what they like better, being naked or mom having to clean up the disaster that usually follows (I spared you those photos). We have done duct tape....they are too smart for that one! So Brant decided to "lock" them in there pj's. We cut the arms and legs off so they would not get to hot and then made them put them on backwards. Now it is only a matter of time before they realize that they can unzip each other. Hopefully this will hold for a bit.


Unknown said...

That's awesome! You and Brant are so creative! I guess you have no choice but to be creative. I hope this works at least for a while. The duct tape is still working pretty good for us, except the other when Steve did not secure the duct tape too well and Analysse got the duct tape off, waded it in a ball and chucked it across the room along with her diaper. And of course peed in the bed.

the Powell's said...